Ensure the property is priced correctly
- Ensure that the property is priced competitively but realistically to attract the most attention. Properties overpriced can stick on the market, and then when a price reduction follows perspective buyers can presume that there is something wrong for it not to have sold- you also may miss your onward home because you have not been able to sell.
Get quality legal advice
- We would recommend that you use a local solicitor that offers good technical advice as well as a bespoke service, we wouldn’t tend to recommend a discounted legal service on a conveyancing platform and one which often operates from a call centre and where you are one of many customers.
Get all your legal paperwork in order
- Once you have chosen your solicitor, ensure that you get your paperwork up to date, this can include warranties, guarantees, relevant title documents, supporting documents and replies to preliminary enquiries.
- If you have carried out building work to your property, ensure you have a full pack of planning and building controls and approvals
- If you are selling a flat, order a management pack (containing the service charge and building management information) as soon as you can
Arrange for your survey as soon as possible
- If your buyer is requiring a survey, again sort this as soon as possible, give access to the property and that the turnaround for their report is within a agreed timeframe. A ‘red flag’ report can be issued verbally by most surveyors with a full written report approximately 3 days later
Keep the length of the chain as short as possible
- If you are looking to move quickly, then it is important that you not only get the best price for your property but also the person in the best position to move – if you are chain-free and able to vacate the property quickly by perhaps going into a rented property or moving in with family or friends then can completion will take place much quicker.
Look to fix the timing if possible
- Although there are sometimes elements of the sale that can cause a delay, it is helpful if all parties are working towards an agreed timescale for both exchange of contracts and completion – this will keep the sale on track and the momentum going.
If you are considering selling your home and would like a free market appraisal then call an Estate Agent selling houses in North Leeds – David Phillip 01134 676 400. https://davidphillip.co.uk/
86, Leeds Road, Bramhope, Leeds LS16 9AN
Covering Leeds, North Leeds, Bramhope, Adel, Cookridge, Pool-in-Wharfedale and Otley